International Dog Day.
26 August is International Dog Day.
I never cared much about dogs till Unni brought him the little labrador pup during the Covid times.
Max has since become the most loved member of the family. He divides his time between all of us. He knows how to tug at the dress of Sasikala Joseph whenever he is hungry. He would join Bindu, the house-help, as soon as she arrives in the morning. He considers it his duty to supervise her while she sweeps the yard.
He has made it a habit to join me for the afternoon nap and would wait patiently till I finish the evening coffee . The only time he is a bit upset is when I linger on watching the news on TV . It’s mandatory that I take him out for the evening constitutional. I prefer to use the riverside walkway but I am forced to go up the hill opposite the house as Max has a habit of upsetting small children and chasing after cats.
He retires to Unni’s room upstairs to sleep in the night and gets really anxious if Unni goes out with friends in the night. He is restless till Unni is back home.
He loves it when the girls are home as they pamper him with aromatic baths, grooming, toys, and the works . He has an OP card in the Past Hospital.
Max is the angel sent to us in our days of retirement.
– Joy Kallivayalil.
Unni has brought home a tiny Persian cat and Max has suddenly realised that he will have to share attention with the kitten hereafter.