St Clare of Assisi.
11 August is the death anniversary and memorial day of St Clare of Assisi (1194-1253).
Clare was one of the first followers of St Francis Assisi and the founder of the Order of Poor Ladies. The religious congregation came to be known as Order of St Clare just ten years after her death.
Clare was born in a wealthy family. Her parents wanted her to get married when she was 12, but she insisted on waiting till she was 18.
Meeting St Francis Assisi in the church of St Girogio was the turning point in her life.
She left home to meet Francis in the chapel of the Porzincula, cut her hair as a symbol of renouncing the worldly pleasures and exchanged her rich gown for plain clothes.
Initially she was accommodated in a Benedictine convent. Many girls followed her path including her sister Agnes who joined her after 16 days.
Following St Francis Assisi, she was persuaded to become the Abbott of the congregation in 1216 .
The Clarist Congregation has a large following in Kerala. St Alphonsa of Bharanganam was a member of the FCC ( Franciscan Clarist Congregation).
My family has a special devotion to Clara. My own mother was named Clarakutty and her daughter and many of her grandchildren are named Clara including my eldest Nileena.
It was a blessed day when Sasikala Joseph and I could visit Assisi, Italy and pray before the tombs of St Francis Assisi and St Clare in April 2023.