Kashmir, “the paradise on Earth” has been a festering wound, ever since the partition of the country into India and Pakistan in 1947.
“We say Kashmir is an integral part of India. But what do we mean when we say that? Do we mean the land is ours? Do we mean the Kashmiri people are ours?.
If there is so much passion for keeping Kashmir, why haven’t we been able to make India an integral part of the Kashmiri’s mind?
Why do Kashmiris feel alienated from Indians? We have been growing up hearing how Kashmir is obviously ours and anyone who talks otherwise is a traitor.
I asked one of my fellow patriot friends who abuses ‘Kashmiri terrorists’ on a daily basis what he thought about AFSPA and he had no clue what that is. He only knows Kashmiris are influenced by Pakistanis and that the Indian army saved the ‘ungrateful Kashmiri terrorists’ from the flood.
I asked another nationalist friend of mine about the ratio of militants to security personnel in Kashmir, to which he says, “That doesn’t matter. All Kashmiris throw stones at the army.”
“The valley of Kashmir is growing a generation that has seen killings of their loved ones on a daily basis. It’s high time we brought the behaviour of a typical Kashmiri youth under the lens of psychological analysis.
Where is the anger coming from?
Are we all somehow collectively responsible?. Remember, hate begets hate. The insensitivity of the state and fellow Indians will only grow more rebels and more alienation.”
(copied from FB.)