Ambedkar’s Vows


Ambedkar’s Vows.

Dalits and backward castes were subjugated for thousands of years by the advocates of the Sanatana Dharma. They were never considered as part of the caste system and were not even treated as human beings.
The introduction of other religions like Christianity and Islam in India saw the Dalits joining these religions in large numbers, in a bid to escape the atrocities of the caste system.
This forced the Savarna castes to include the Dalits too into the Hindu fold at the lowest rung below the existing caste hierarchy.

Dr Ambedkar was the first Dalit leader to realise that the Dalits and the Backward Castes could never achieve emancipation and progress while remaining in the
caste -bound Hindu religion.
He led thousands of Dalits in joining Budhism.
Dr Ambedkar exhorted his followers to make a solemn pledge that they will never be part of the caste ridden Hindu religion.
– Joy Kallivayalil.


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