A Model Contractor.
The very mention of the word ” Contractor” conjures up the image of an unscrupulous, money minded, evil person, out to make a quick fortune, without any regard to quality or the well-being of the public.
The sad situation is the bane of independent India, irrespective of the party in power.
This was not the situation in the days of British rule as evident from the following report, from a century ago.
“ He is one of the best contractors in the Bangalore division.” “ I can confidently recommend him to any one requiring a good and reliable contractor.” ‘‘He is an exceptionally good contractor, in fact, the best I have come across in Southern India.”
He is the man who can be depended upon for carrying out special large works with integrity and according to the very letter of the specifications.” He is one of the best contractors down my way.”
These are the testimonials attributed to Samynada Pillay, the contractor behind -The building of the
“ Sashadri Iyer ” Memorial Hall in Cubbon Park, Bangalore.
One of the leading engineers and contractors of the Madras Presidency is Mr. T. Samynada Pillay, formerly of Bangalore, but now of Madras, who commenced business in the year 1879 after having acquired a sound practical knowledge of every detail of work in these important branches.
The Bangalore purewater reservoir—capable of holding sufficient to supply the whole town for five days—was built of cement and granite stone slabs at a cost of 1 lakh of rupees, and it was completed in the short time of ten months. The executive engineer of the Mysore D.P.W. gave a certificate in January 1896 that the work had been carried out in a very satisfactory manner.
About a couple of years later, new lines for the Imperial service troops were erected at Bangalore. These included quarters for officers and men, stables, mess-rooms, armoury, magazines, and other stores ; and this huge undertaking, which extended over a period of three years, cost more than 8 lakhs of rupees. Here, again, the principal engineer wrote that the work had been done with care and diligence and to his entire satisfaction, both as to the quality of the work and its progress. Following upon this came the construction of transport lines near to the Maharajah’s palace at Bangalore, together with the levelling of his Highness’s polo ground. Subsequently Mr. T. Samynada Pillay completed motor and power-houses at the Cauvery Falls, in addition to power¬houses at the Bangalore city cantonments and at the Kolar goldfields.
This contractor has received the highest praise from engineers for the skill with which he has carried out most important works, and it is a source of satisfaction to him to know that his straightforward conduct has earned for him an honoured name throughout Southern India.
The journey which began In Bangalore , got further established in Madras with jobs like Egmore Railway Station , a tribute to his skill”.
The above is an account published in London in 1914 .
The featured photographs are from year 1914 of T Samynada Pillai and his project in Bangalore.