Nehru and Bose
One of the narratives propagated by the Sangh Parivar and BJP is to project that leaders like Patel and Bose were better qualified than Nehru to lead the country and that Nehru had an antagonistic relationship with them.
Nothing is farther from the truth.
While Pandit Nehru was in prison in India in the 1930s, Subhash Chandra Bose travelled from Vienna to Badenweiler to be with Kamala Nehru, who was suffering from Tuberculosis. Bose remained in Switzerland till Pandit Nehru arrived after being released from prison.
When Kamala Nehru died in 1936, Netaji helped Pandit Nehru and his daughter Indira (then 19) with the funeral arrangements.
Subhash Chandra Bose had the three regiments of his INA named after three individuals he admired most, Mahatma Gandhi, Pandit Nehru and Maulana Abul Kalam Azad.
Jawaharlal Nehru wore his barrister’s gown again after decades
to personally defend Bose’s colleagues in the INA, who were accused of treason and were forced to face a public trial at the Red Fort, Delhi in 1948.
– Joy Kallivayalil.