Steve Jobs


Steve Jobs.

5 October is the death anniversary of Steve Jobs (1955-2011).

Jobs was described “The greatest entrepreneur of our time” by the Forbes magazine in 2013.
He was born to two graduate students of the University of Wisconsin, who gave the child up for adoption. His adoptive parents named him Stephen Paul Jobs.
Jobs left College to travel to India in 1972 in search of enlightenment, but returned to the USA after an year.
In 1976, at the age of 21, he started Apple Computers, along with his friend from school, Stephen Wozniak.
In 1980, Apple Computers went public and was worth $1.2 million by the end of the first day of trading.
In 1984, Apple introduced the Macintosh, which revolutionized Desktop publishing.
Differences with the CEO, Sculley, led Jobs to leave Apple in 1985. He went on to found NeXT which ironically was bought by Apple in 1996 for $ 429 million.
In 1986, Jobs started an animation company Pixar. Pixar films netted $ 4 million by the time it was merged with Disney Studios.
Steve Jobs returned to Apple in 1997 as CEO, and the rest is history. The iPhone and iPad went on to become trail blazers in industry.
Jobs was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2003, but he plod on courageously with his pioneering work till August 2011, when he resigned as CEO.
Steve Jobs left the world on 5 October 2011.
His biography is one of the most read books in the world.
A film ” Jobs” was released in 2013, featuring Ashton Kutcher as Steve Jobs.
– Joy Kallivayalil.


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