Planters of the High Ranges.
A photo posted by Reju George gives us a glimpse into the history of the European planters of the High Ranges.
The legend of the British, Scottish and Irish planters of the High Ranges of Kerala are well known.
JJ Murphy, the pioneer who established the plantation industry in the Mundakayam area was a legend in his lifetime. The Europeans naturally established exclusive clubs for rest and recreation in Mundakayam, Munnar and Vandiperiyar.
The Mundakayam Club was the first Club to be started, with Murphy as the first President.
The Club started admitting Indian members only after World War II. The Kallivayalil and Pottemkulam families, well known planters in the Mundakayam area, were the first to be admitted to membership in the prestigious Mundakayam Club. Murphy was among the last Europeans to leave India, and he sold his Enthayar Estate to the Kallivayalil and Pottemkulam families.
The photo is perhaps the last Scottish wedding to take place in Mundakayam in the 1950s. Identifiable Indians in the wedding photo taken at the Mundakayam Club include KV Thomas Pottemkulam and the Kallivayalil brothers, Jose, Chacko, and Michael A Kallivayalil along with their families.
– Joy Kallivayalil.