Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw.
Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw is the greatest General India produced. As Chief of the Indian Army ( 1969-73), he achieved the greatest victory of independent India against Pakistan and liberated East Pakistan to create a new independent nation of Bangladesh.
He has the courage to differ with the Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and chose the time and place of attack after careful planning. This was the difference between the disastrous China war in 1962, when the Army went in headlong for a war without any preparation and lost heavily.
Sam Manekshaw was the most popular Army chief ever and was called Sam Bahadur, an accolade given by his regiment, the Gurkha Rifles.
Manekshaw faced death during World War II and was one of the rare recipients of the Military Cross medal.
His frankness almost cost him his career and would have retired as a Major General if not for the losses in the China war and the resignation of Gen BM Kaul.
Sam Manekshaw was the first Army Chief from the Indian Military Accademy and the first Field Marshal of India.
Unfortunately some of his comments caused the rulers in Delhi to deny him his benefits for 15 years till President Abdul Kalam intervened.
A Field Marshal never retires, but the Prime Minister, Defence Minister and the three Defence Chiefs were conspicuous by their absence at his funeral in Ooty, where he has lived after demitting office.
The book is an easy read and is full of anecdotes which makes the book all the more interesting.
– Joy Kallivayalil.