Capture of Bana Post


Capture of Bana Post.

26 January is a historic day in the annals of India and the Indian Army.
In 1987, the strategic Quaid post ( now Bana Post) on the India Pakistan border, was captured by the extraordinary bravery of Naib Subedar Baba Singh PVC, of the JAK Light Infantry Battalion.

The Siachen Glacier, also known as ‘The World’s Highest Battle Field’ is a 76 km glacier with mountain ranges on either side. The average winter snowfall is 35 feet, with temperatures in the upper reaches ranging from minus 30 degrees to minus 80 degrees centigrade.
‘Quaid Post’ at Point 21153, at an altitude of 21,153 ft, was the most prominent and highest feature which was occupied by the Enemy to dominate the entire region.
In June 1987, 8 JAK LI was entrusted with the difficult task of capturing the post from the Enemy.
On 26 June 1987, Naib Subedar Bana Singh volunteered to be a member of the team tasked to capture the Quaid Post, which was seemingly impregnable and held in strength. The Post was a glacier fortress with ice walls, 1500 feet high, on both sides and a thin razor sharp ridge line on the flank.
Naib Subedar Bana Singh led his men through an extremely difficult and hazardous route and inspired them by his indomitable courage and leadership. Using ropes to climb the ice walls in numbing chillness, the heroic JCO and his men crawled and closed in on the enemy.
In an unparalleled feat of raw courage and valour, he moved from trench to trench, lobbing hand grenades and charging with his bayonet killing all the remaining enemy soldiers to capture the Strategic Post.
Nb Subedar Bana Singh displayed the most conspicuous gallantry and leadership under severe adverse conditions and was awarded India’s highest Gallantry Award, ‘The Param Vir Chakra’ and the Quaid Post was renamed as ‘Bana Top’ in honour of this brave son of India.

– Joy Kallivayalil.


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