An Engineering Marvel


An Engineering Marvel.

India has been one of the beneficiaries of the engineering capabilities of the British.
Two centuries ago, they had, even if the reason was to increase their colonial reach and to plunder the natural resources, built up a huge infrastructure of roads, bridges and railways across the country.
The African continent also saw major construction initiatives during the colonial period.
In 1905, British Engineers constructed the Victoria Falls Bridge linking Zambia and Zimbabwe. This was part of the Cecil John Rhodes mega project of connecting Africa from Cape Town to Cairo via rail.
The bridge was built /prefabricated in England and then shipped to Mozambique, and transported to its current location from the Port of Beira by rail for assembly at site.
The assembly took only 14 months and it fit perfectly according to the specifications.
The British Engineers had earlier come to assess the Victoria Falls gorge, take measurements and designed the bridge based on the geology of the gorge, then returned to England to build the bridge!
To this day, the bridge is fully operational carrying both trucks and cargo trains.


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