“Do not look for luxury in watches or bracelets, do not look for luxury in forks or sails.
“Luxury is laughter and friends, luxury is rain on your face, luxury is hugs and kisses.
Don’t look for luxury in shops, don’t look for it in gifts, don’t look for it at parties, don’t look for it at events.
Luxury is being loved by people, luxury is being respected, luxury is having parents alive, luxury is being able to play with your grandchildren, luxury is what money can’t buy”.
– Clint Eastwood.
( Clint Eastwood became famous as the lead actor in Hollywood Westerns . Another famous movie was Dirty Harry where he enacted the role of a police officer.
Eastwood surprised the film world by turning director where he directed many award winning movies. He continues to be active in films even at the age of 94.)