Believe in Yourself.
His car broke down at night, so he knocked on the door of an old woman in her seventies, and asked her permission to make a phone call.
After he finished his call, he saw many paintings hanging on the wall and expressed his admiration and fascination with them.
He asked her if she had tried to display her paintings in art exhibitions.
She replied:
“No, My late husband told me that I am only fit for the house and for raising children only!
When I was young, I believed in my husband.
I did not oppose him so as not to fail, as he said.
But I still love drawing and carries out his instructions to draw only for myself”.
And the man asked her:
“Would you allow me to take some of your paintings and show them to a group of specialists, critics and gallery owners?”
It didn’t matter to her, and she agreed.
She sold her first painting at age 77. The paintings achieved amazing sales of hundreds of thousands of dollars, and suddenly the old woman, at the age of seventy seven, became one of the most famous artists in the country.
She lived to witness her resounding artistic and literary success.
One of her paintings was sold for $1.2 million in 2006.
Today, her paintings are displayed as collections in the Louvre Museum in Paris and the Plaza in New York and the Smithsonian Institute.
She is Anna Marie Robertson Moses ( 1860-1961),
Known as “Grandma Moses”.
The United States of America honoured her by issuing a postage stamp in her name in 1969.
Don’t believe what others see in you.
Believe in yourself first and follow your feelings, and never give up on your dreams to please people.
Success can come in ways you don’t think of.
And in the simplest coincidences.